主 題:法學英文論文寫作與學術規範漫談(英文)
上海交通大學凱原法學院凱原特聘教授👩🦳、博士生導師🪂;美國紐約大學法學院全球法學教授;美國密歇根大學L. Bates Lea客座教授🥉🧙🏿♀️。
主持人:王勇 杏盛娱乐國際法學院教授、博士生導師
時 間:2020年10月21日(星期三)晚上19:00-20:30
地 點🎓📦:長寧校區交誼樓圓桌會議室
主 辦:杏盛娱乐杏盛教育院
沈偉,現為上海交通大學凱原法學院凱原特聘教授、博士生導師;美國紐約大學法學院全球法學教授;美國密歇根大學L. Bates Lea訪問教授。
截至目前,沈偉已經出版7本英文著作🏕、1本英文編著🪫、1本中文著作、4本中文編著🧗🏼、4本譯著;參與出版34本著作(其中中文著作3本,英文著作31本)🎎;以及160余篇英文和中文學術論文,其中在《中國法學》《法學研究》《中外法學》《清華法學》《比較法研究》《法學》《當代法學》《現代法學》《法商研究》等核心法學期刊發表論文50余篇💇♂️;多篇中文論文被《新華文摘》《中國社會科學文摘》《人大復印資料》《社會科學文摘》等轉載。在《Chinese Journal of International Law》《American Journal of International Law》《European Business Organization Law Review》等SSCI期刊發表論文30余篇。
Subject: Talk on the Writing of Legal English Essays and Academic Standards
Presenter: Professor SHEN Wei, KoGuan Distinguished Professor of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law School; Global Professor of Law at New York University School of Law; L. Bates Lea Visiting Professor of Law at Michigan Law School
Host: Professor WANG Yong, East China University of Political Science and Law
Time: October 21, 2020 (Wednesday, 7 pm-830 pm)
Location: Yuanzhuo meeting room, Jiaoyi Building
Bio of Professor Dr. SHEN Wei
KoGuan Distinguished Professor of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law School; PhD (London School of Economics and Political Science), LLM (University of Cambridge), LLM (University of Michigan), LLM & LLB (East China University of Political Science and Law); Attorney-at-Law, New York.
Professor Shen is Global Professor of Law at New York University School of Law, L. Bates Lea Visiting Professor of Law at Michigan Law School, an associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (Académie international de droitcomparé), a member of Moody’s China Academic Advisory Panel, a member of Financial Markets Law Committee of G20 Steering Group, and an Honorary Fellow of Asian Institute of International Financial Law, University of Hong Kong, and has been included in Marquis Who’s Who (2011 onwards).
Professor Shen is the sole author of seven books: Rethinking the New York Convention – A Law and Economics Approach (Cambridge: Intersentia 2013), The Anatomy of China’s Banking Sector and Regulation (Wolters Kluwer 2014), How Is International Economic Order Shaped? – Law, Markets and Globalisation (China Law Press 2014), Corporate Law in China: Structure, Governance and Regulation (Sweet & Maxwell 2015), Investor Protection in Capital Markets – The Case of Hong Kong (Sweet & Maxwell 2015), Shadow Banking in China: Risk, Regulation and Policy (Edward Elgar 2016), and Chinese Business Law: Narrative and Commentary (Wolters Kluwer 2016). He edited two books: Private Law in China and Taiwan: A Law and Economic Analysis (Cambridge University Press 2016, with Chang and Wang), and Financial Regulation in the Aftermath of Global Financial Crisis: Chinese and US Perspectives (China Law Press 2016, with Romano).
Professor Shen also contributed to 34 books (30 in English and 4 in Chinese) and authored (or co-authored) over 160 articles in English and Chinese law journals. His article was cited by the Supreme Court of Singapore in its judgment, and his expert opinion was accepted and applied by the Hong Kong High Court in the case.